Learn to Let Go

Leadership development is a growth process. Sometimes, leadership development is a glacially slow growth process.

One thing I have learned along the way (and I’m quite certain the people most responsible for my own leadership development experienced the same thing), sometimes letting go is the best move.

Not letting go and giving up.

Not letting go and walking away.

Not letting go and waiting for failure.

Let go and trust. Trust that growth can happen. Trust that mistakes made can lead to lessons learned. Trust the end result will be worth the effort.

Along the way, in order for you to have grown, someone had to trust you. Are you grateful for those opportunities? Are you ready to return the favor?

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  1. This is very good. We learn from the experience, successes & failures. I don’t like to fail at things, but I remember when I realized how much my mistakes taught me & drove me forward to do better. I was fortunate to have people invest in my life that allowed for my failures & helped me learn to not make the same mistakes.

    1. Thanks! I think people investing in us that allow for mistakes are key. But we grow when they are have the influence in our lives to help us grow from the mistakes.

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