Check It Out: Shortcuts vs Second Miles

I’m on a Student Leadership trip today, so I thought it would be fitting to share an article I ran across last week.

Tim Elmore is someone whose blog I always make a point to read, mostly because he has great content. This article, in particular, talks about the difference between shortcuts and the second mile. Here’s a taste:

Now that most of the Millennial generation has entered adulthood, I’ve noticed a predisposition we, the adults, have cultivated in them. The pattern is to always look for a “shortcut.” Find out what’s essential and don’t do an ounce more. Whether on purpose or on accident, we condition our kids (who we feel work so hard) to:

  • Do the bare minimum amount of homework to get by.
  • Do only what the coach demands on the field, not any more.
  • Clock in and out, and give only the time your supervisor requests.

While I understand this shortcut approach is efficient, it does not represent the kind of mindset most employers, most coaches, most friends and most spouses find endearing. The act of getting out of hard work or quitting instead of being patient as we struggle through a difficult task may be natural but it’s not attractive. Doing more than what’s required is what makes us great. It differentiates us and makes us magnetic.

Click over and check it out. It’s a short read and worth the time.


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