Check It Out: 6 Effective Leadership Traits

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One of the first things I do when I find a blog I trust and that seems to deliver quality ideas is subscribe to get their posts in my inbox. I found this as a great way to keep up with their posts, and I hope you’d feel the same way about getting 3QL in your inbox.

One of the blogs I have come into my inbox regularly is Tim Elmore over at Growing Leaders. His research, understanding, and insight into today’s teenagers is remarkable, so when I stumbled upon the post I’m linking to today, I was not surprised.

Last week, Tim wrote about “Six Effective Leadership Traits You Can Build“. His suggestions were top notch, and immediately something I wanted to share. Before you click over there, here’s a snippet:

Today, I thought I’d venture to toss out some of the most important traits leaders must cultivate. The good news is—almost anyone can develop these characteristics.

1. Positivity

This means you focus on strengths, not weaknesses; you see opportunities in each challenge; you maintain a vision for possibilities in each problem. Effective, magnetic leaders tend to be optimists. A recent study conducted by The Alternative Board, surveyed hundreds of entrepreneurs across the world, inquiring what made leaders most effective. The results may surprise you. According to respondents, positivity is the most important trait a leader can have—beating out passion, decisive and personable.

Trust me on this one, the click is worth the time investment. The practical nature of his suggestions are encouraging, and something we can all start applying today.

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