Your Growth Matters

If you’ve been reading my thoughts for very long, you’ve probably figured out I’m a fan of a little known leadership guy named John Maxwell. Have you heard of him?

I try to listen to his leadership podcast regularly, but find myself listening in spurts. I checked in last week for one that was, in my opinion, top notch. And I want to share it with you.

But before I share the information, let me share a quick word.

Your growth matters.

Your personal growth, your professional growth, your leadership growth, your relational growth, and your spiritual growth all matter immensely to who you are as a person. The people around are blessed or hindered by your growth. And growth is not a short term process. Healthy growth requires a long game mentality.

Take steps today that will provide benefit for you tomorrow, next week, next year, and five years down the road. You’ll be better for it, trust me. Or trust John Maxwell.

Okay, now here you go. You can search for The John Maxwell Leadership Podcast in your podcast player, or here’s a link to his show page where you can watch a YouTube version of the podcast and download a worksheet to go along with John’s talk.

What step are you going to take today to grow? What are you waiting for?

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