From 2009 to 2012 I worked for my dad farming and ranching. I was bivocational, farming most of the week and serving a church the rest. Then, in 2012 I moved my family to Bronte where we have been serving ever since. I remember early on, after coming back to …
Learn to Let Go
Leadership development is a growth process. Sometimes, leadership development is a glacially slow growth process. One thing I have learned along the way (and I’m quite certain the people most responsible for my own leadership development experienced the same thing), sometimes letting go is the best move. Not letting go …
Big Change Takes Time to Chew
I fancy myself a thinker. I enjoy looking at situations and dreaming up next steps. As such, I spend a large chunk of my time thinking and considering options. Along the way, I’ve learned an important leadership principal: big change takes time to chew Just because I’ve spent countless hours …
Develop Leaders
Over the past few years I have noticed a shift in my focus on leadership. As my own leadership has grown, I find myself looking for ways to help others. This does not mean that everything I do has provided excellent results. Nor have my efforts been error free. But, …
The 3 Questions and Growth
If you’re reading this, let me start today by saying thank you. I appreciate you reading, thinking, sharing, and participating. I started this blog with one basic premise: I think there may be something to the 3 questions I have started asking myself to help me grow as a leader. What …