I remember being in high school and leading my youth group in worship. I was passionate about worship, and never understood why others wouldn’t sing. I learned so much through the many mistakes I made during those years. Maybe I’ll write out some of my learnings at some point. Until …
What is 3 Question Leadership?
Have you ever stopped to realize there are certain patterns or repetitions in your life? Maybe it has to do with the routines you hold, or the activities in which you participate. For me, I realized one day I have a tendency to develop things in groups of threes. I learned …
Student Leadership Takes Many Shapes
Part of the regular rotation here will be links to other blog posts that catch my attention. Here’s a great article from Jen Bradbury over at the Download Youth Ministry Blog: “Our youth ministry had its annual Christmas party last week. That, by itself, isn’t all that remarkable. What’s remarkable is the …