Developing a Student Leadership Team: Know Your Why

Why do we need to learn this? When will I ever use this in real life?  And so goes the familiar refrain in math classes all over the country. The core question being asked reveals an innate desire in each of us: we want to understand why? As we learn …

Want to Develop Others? Start Here.

What does it take to start a leadership team? More specifically, for student ministers, what does it take to develop student leaders? I’m going to spend some time over the next few weeks hashing out some of my thoughts. I hope they help! As I’ve been on a journey of …

Lessons from the Court: Know What You Know

How can we honestly get frustrated at someone for not knowing what they’ve never been taught?

A Bonus Back to Basics!

Three Question Leadership is kind of my brand. I mean, look at the url above, and you’ll see it. I’ve spent the last 4+ years honing the three questions, but today I have a bonus for you – the secret 4th question that unlocks the power of the Three Questions. …

Back to Basics, Pt 3

“Leadership is Influence. Nothing more, nothing less.” John Maxwell Can I share a secret with you? The scariest part of leadership for me is actually asking people to help me. I dread rejection. I dread losing control. I dread failure. I dread under/over estimating a relationship. But, if John Maxwell’s …

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