Okay, so you are a leader. You are probably even good at some (if not most) of the stuff you do. But have you ever considered your ability to do more is actually a hindrance to those around you? Leaders fail when they fail to ask for help. Think about …
Never Lose Sight of the One
Today’s post is going to be ministry specific, but it plays a role in leadership as well. When I think back to the influential ministers in my life, very few of them became influencers because they stood at the front of the room. There was my youth pastor who would …
Podcast Week: Entrepreneurship
I’m continuing my posts sharing some of the podcasts to which I dedicate my listening. Today, I’m going to go in a little different direction and talk about a genre I hadn’t explored significantly until the past few months: entrepreneurship, specifically online business. I know this may sound strange for …
Leaders Step Up
Leadership in itself can be a stick situation. The temptation is to always think someone else is going to step up, but a strong leader is able to realize when the situation calls for someone to step up who wouldn’t normally be expected to do so. Think of it like …
Learn to Audible
I have a generally pessimistic attitude about rain. Please do not misunderstand me: I love rain, but I distrust forecasts. I have a nagging suspicion that if you ever look at a weather app, there is a perpetual chance of rain next week. Always next week. It rarely moves to …