Learning to communicate expectations (and adjust accordingly) can be a life saver in relationships, and in leadership.
I Think You Are a Genius
If I were to ask you what type of work brings you the most joy, would you have an answer? Whether you have a clear answer or not, you do some things which brings you joy. You also do things that leave you feeling drained. Have you ever wondered why? …
Is Boring Growth the Best Growth?
What I’m about to say may be one of the most off the wall things you hear someone say today. I think my favorite color is the color of wheat as it grows. Hear me out. When wheat is planted, the field is freshly tilled, and the brown of a …
3 Shifts to Make to Unlock Your Leadership Growth, Part 3
Mistakes bother me. Especially mistakes I make that could have been avoided. But that leads us to our next point: Evaluated Mistakes Unleash Growth
3 Shifts to Make to Unlock Your Leadership Growth, Part 2
How have you grown in your leadership capacity over the past month? The past six months? The past year? Growth isn’t always immediately noticeable. But I really hope you can look back at the past twelve months and point out how you have grown. Maybe you added an arrow to …