3 Reasons to Ask for Help

Honestly, I do not know if today’s leadership lesson is a leadership lesson, or just a life lesson, but seeing how you’re both a leader AND alive, let’s dive in anyway. Ask for help. There’s something wired inside most of us that makes us dread asking for help. We think …

Do What Needs to Be Done

As I mentioned last week, I had the opportunity to direct a leadership camp. The general structure of that leadership camp looks like this: a combination of leadership instruction, relationship investing, and real life leadership experience. The real life leadership experience comes in the form of leading rec for the …

Pour Into People

I’m at camp this week working a group of student leaders. We will be teaching leadership principles, giving them opportunities to lead, and teaching them to evaluate as they go. So, today’s thought is a short one: find people to pour into. They are all around you. They vary in …

Landmarks and Memories

Sometimes I wonder if everyone operates the same way I do. Today, let’s find out. When I drive by certain landmarks and have a memory come to mind, it is generally something I was listening to at the time. As a result, I can drive by a windmill and remember …

The Tension of the 3rd Question

Last week I went to camp. One of my roles at camp was to teach leadership to a group of 12 students. What I did not anticipate, however, was the leadership challenge I was going to face in the process. The kids were great. They were willing to step up …

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