Next week a project on which I have been working and dreaming up for the past two years launches–Horizon Leadership Camp. On Wednesday, I will load vehicles with a group of students going to youth camp with Horizon Camps. While we are there, I have the opportunity to pour into a …
Redefining Leadership Potential
So much of my experience in developing leaders comes from working with teenagers. Over the past two years, as I have talked with other youth workers, I have started to notice a common thread in a few of our conversations: The necessity for a student to show a readiness to …
Lessons from the Farm: Don’t Leave Cattle on the Truck
This week I am going to finish up my first theme. I’m calling these posts “Lessons from the Farm”. You can read the first post here, or click the Lessons from the Farm Category to the left. Just a little background: My lesson today comes from a more recent learning. …
Lessons from the Farm: Perspective
From 2009 to 2012 I worked for my dad farming and ranching. I was bivocational, farming most of the week and serving a church the rest. Then, in 2012 I moved my family to Bronte where we have been serving ever since. I remember early on, after coming back to …
What is 3 Question Leadership?
Have you ever stopped to realize there are certain patterns or repetitions in your life? Maybe it has to do with the routines you hold, or the activities in which you participate. For me, I realized one day I have a tendency to develop things in groups of threes. I learned …