Check It Out: Start Somewhere

As I mentioned on Tuesday, I’m going to start sharing some early blog posts. This one, titled “Start Somewhere”, seems a fitting place to start. Here’s a glimpse, click to read the rest. I am a thinker. I have a terrible tendency to be able to argue both sides, even …

Mistakes Make Us Who We Are

In High School I judged Dairy Products for our FFA chapter. If you’ve seen Napoleon Dynamite, it was not quite that awkward, but it was close. I will never forget the hardest lesson I learned from judging Dairy Products: never second guess my first reaction. This lesson was learned when …

Mid-Summer Check In

Wow. Just wow. January 30 was when I started blogging regularly on this site. I started out because I had a simple idea I felt like I needed to share. (You can read more about that here.) Today, we are nearing the end of June, which means I have been …

Everyone Wants to Have a Voice

Very few things frustrate me more than feeling like my opinion does not matter. In fact, if I feel like someone is listening to what I have to say, I am generally okay with the outcome of a decision, even if it is not my decision. I have seen this …

Write It Down

Leaders take notes. I know that I remember things better when I take notes. I know that when I take notes, I essentially have a record of my learnings that I can examine later and help cement what was happening. But, I stink on the discipline side of taking notes. …

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