Lessons Learned About Blogging, Pt 2

It’s hard to believe I have been blogging for the majority of 2017. I’ve learned a few things along the way. You can read the first one here. Here’s my second thought:

Social Shares Rule

(disclaimer: this is not intended to guilt you into social sharing)

If I were to look back over the past 11 months and examine the views and page visits for my site, the days with the highest views were the days where someone shared a post, usually on Facebook.

I have done a little bit of work to get 3 Question Leadership optimized in search engines, but honestly: how many people google search the phrase “3 Questions for Leadership”? It’s actually lower than you think, even if you think it’s low.

So, what’s the best way to get what I’m posting out into the inter webs? Social shares.

If you have shared one of my posts over the past year, I would like to thank you for doing so. Every time I sit down to write, I hope to write something that connects with someone, so when you share, it means the world to me.

If you found me because someone shared a post on Facebook or Twitter, then that’s proof!

Lastly, if you worry about missing my posts on social media, I would love for you to sign up to receive the 3QL email. The daily email delivers at 10am on the days I post, so you never have to guess if I’m posting something because it will show up in your inbox.

Once again, thank you for taking this journey with me!

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