Incoherent Ramblings

I’ve never actually spent any time explaining my categories, so let’s change that.

One of my favorite categories developed last year as I had an intern. As we began the process, I wanted to make sure I was not just assigning her some work to do, but instead was taking time to share with her things I have learned over the years.

So, in order to accomplish that goal, I started making a list of different lessons and tips I have picked up and developed. We carved out time each week to sit down and I would share my “Incoherent Ramblings”.

The topics ranged anywhere from lessons learned in ministry (Don’t let someone’s character surprise you and Don’t hide from hard conversations) to more practical tips (like this one from last week on fundraising). But, there was a nice consistency to the meeting time.

Here on the blog, so much of what I write about falls into the Incoherent Rambling territory. I don’t have to say that I have yet to figure everything out, but I do love learning along the way.

So, today, what would be on your list of incoherent ramblings? What are some tips and tricks you have picked up along the way, the things you think need to be communicated and passed on to the next generation? Have you started a list?

Leave a comment and let me know what you would include!


  1. In this season of my life, being away from “on staff” ministry, I realized the thing I was missing for so many years was the ability to step back from the “up close & personal” or “in the trenches” work. Instead to see the broader scope of what I was doing & evaluate its effectiveness. I’m realizing there were things that I was doing that I thought we working toward our end goal that really could have been done better or done away with completely. There are strategies that I realized that I hadn’t implemented well, like leadership development. I could have tweeked it or honed in on areas a little better.
    Amazingly I couldn’t see it until I was able to step back, take a breath & then take a hard look. Sabbatical is the term that comes to mind. Just some set aside diligent time for rest, renewal and evaluation. Vacations never really cut it for me. Seemed like I did a lot of evaluation on the drive home, but I this from this experience that I’m in right now two or three weeks would have really been eye opening for me.

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