Currently, I’m sitting in an airport terminal in Richmond, Virginia. A combination of mechanical issues, weather, and vacation chaos has culminated in a delayed flight (sitting at 3+ hour delay so far, and that doesn’t count the fact we were at the airport early!).
Some things are out of our control. Weather, mechanical failure, and attitudes of those around us are all outside of our control.
What we do control is the attitude we use to respond.
I do not know if I am at ease because its the end of my vacation (that has been wonderful), or if I just really enjoy flying so waiting a few extra hours in a terminal with my family seems quite bearable. But I decide how I respond.
The same is true for the clerks working the desk here at gate A7. The people who are paid to handle situations when storms move in two places hundreds of miles from each other appear to have the proper attitudes. No one is grateful for the delay, especially not the girl stuck in the terminal store with a sideways screen, but most people seem to be managing the unfortunateness.
So, let me ask you this: how are you handling the unfortunateness in your life? Let’s narrow down a little: how are you handling the unfortunateness in your leadership?
What’s your attitude as your decisions come under scrutiny, or as those you lead start to show signs of unrest?
What’s your attitude when those you lead completely ignore the direction you are trying to move?
What’s your attitude when you face dilemmas you have never faced before?
What’s your attitude as you peer the future directly in the eyes, not sure if you should jump or stand your ground?
Take some time today to put things in perspective. You will face leadership struggles. You will face leadership failures. You will face leadership storms. But the way you respond, that’s up to you.
As for me, here’s hoping I get to board my flight in the next few hours.
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