11 Years and Counting

Today, let’s take a break from our normal flow, if there is such a thing.

11 years ago on August 27, I went to sleep in a terribly uncomfortable chair/bed at Hendrick Medical Center in Abilene, Texas. As I drifted off to sleep I knew my life was never going to be the same.

The next day, my first child was born. August 28, 2007 we welcomed Anna Elizabeth into the world, and boy was I right.

Now, I honestly do not know of any person ever who the night before the birth of their child said “I’m not gonna let this kid change me,” so I probably don’t deserve credit for my (what felt like at the time) profound insight.

But there is something about parenting that changes the way you view the world. I could not be more proud of my precious 11 year old. She is sweet, a book worm, nerdy to the core, and just as snarky as me (that could come back to bite me in a few years). She has a heart of gold, and is generally willing to do whatever possible to help.

Earlier this summer, I let her sit in the room as I taught a group of teenagers the 3 questions. On our way home she was excited and told me how she was going to start asking herself those questions. It was cute, and timely.

The bottom line is this: I would not trade being her daddy for anything. And just in case she reads this one day: Anna, I love you. I pray you will always love God first, and allow His love to flow through you to those around you. Continue to smile and impact the world around you. You have a loving heart, and never be afraid to let that shine.

Here’s to many more years on the adventure of parenthood.

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