Confession time: I struggle with asking people for help. My biggest hurdle is convincing myself people want to help, even after they are already serving in some capacity. That’s why I lean on the 3 questions to help me grow as a leader. They serve as a framework and a …
Leadership Overwhelm
I had the wonderful opportunity to visit Hawaii on my honeymoon. I was 20 years old, and had never been to a beach, so to say it was an experience is an understatement. We were fortunate to be able to take several tours, one of which took us around the …
Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving! I’ve spent quite a few words the past couple weeks trying to encourage gratitude (click here, here, or go back to Tueday’s post to see what I mean). But, if you have the time, I invite you to read this post–one that seemed to resonate with a large number …
Take Time to Unwind
Years ago, I remember traveling over a holiday break with my new wife (the same one I have currently). I remember where we were exactly on the road to my hometown as I shared with her my passion about some ministry ideas I had recently discovered. It was a pivotal …
3 People Who Need a Note From You
Hey, you there. You reading this. I’m talking to you. Today’s post isn’t a pie in the sky theoretical thing. It’s a nuts and bolts post. Aimed directly at Student Pastors, but applicable to anyone in leadership. Did you know the most read post on my blog in 2017 was …