2018 In Review

I have been blogging for almost 2 full years. First of all, let me say that if you’re hanging in there with me, thank you so much. I cannot describe how much it means to me to have people who click to read my incoherent ramblings. My goal in starting …

Make 2019 The Best Yet

What was your biggest takeaway from 2017? Yes, that’s right, not 2018, but what did you learn from the effort you put forth in 2017? Do you have a formal review process to check over at the end of a year? Do you have an informal one? Do you have …

Never Assume

We have all been there: we make a decision about someone (their willingness or unwillingness to do something), and then are surprised when they contradict our expectations. The surprise can be good or bad, but it is a surprise either way. The reality is we can rarely know exactly how someone …

Check It Out: 6 Effective Leadership Traits

Have you subscribed to 3 Question Leadership yet? One of the first things I do when I find a blog I trust and that seems to deliver quality ideas is subscribe to get their posts in my inbox. I found this as a great way to keep up with their …

2 Key Traits for Student Leaders

Have you ever noticed some people look at situations differently than you? A few years ago, I heard a radio personality talk about how science has proven women and men look at cleanliness differently. Women actually see dirt more easily than men. It’s not that they have some sort of …

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