Harvesting In Leadership

Each April I post a series about “Lessons from the Farm” where I reflect on leadership lessons I picked up along the way. Today’s post is a peak into my favorite series. I’ll never forget the strangest harvest we ever had on the farm. In the fall we planted wheat. I saw the bags, saw the seeds, and knew the drill (pun intended). We waited patiently for the first of the crop to break through the ground. I’ve always said there …

The Leadership Secret

Can I confess something? Few things frustrate me more than when someone operates with a belief that I know something I do not.  It happens more often than I care to admit. I get into a conversation and someone has information they think is common knowledge, but they do not …

Leadership Takes Intentionality

“I accidentally lost 50 pounds this year!” “I accidentally read 20 books this month!” “I accidentally lead our church to grow by 300%!” There are some things we will never hear. Accidents happen, but rarely do accidents happen for the positive. People unknowingly gain weight, but only occassionally does anyone …

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