This year I got a daily desk calendar with leadership quotes. It’s been interesting to see the different quotes over the past two months. Some of the pages remain on my desk, making an appearance when I want to remember a quick lesson or share some encouragement with a friend. …
Know Your Strengths
I played sports in high school. I was a multi-sport athlete because I went to a small school and that’s what you did. Possibly my favorite sport was tennis. I was not very good, but I was decent. My doubles partner and I had a unique style, and one that …
Where Does Learning Originate?
On Tuesday I wrote about learning from everyone, and I got some good response from it. If you missed it, click here to read it. Shortly after posting, I had a conversation that centered around the concept of the post, specifically what makes a great leader. So, what do you …
Learn from Everyone
I had a good friend send me a podcast to listen to yesterday. It was John Maxwell on the 5 Leadership Questions podcast, and I’m grateful I listened. During the podcast, John was asked who he was learning from currently in his life. His response–everyone. My cynical side took over …
Learning to Ask for Help
I had a conversation with a student last night. It’s slowly becoming one of my favorite leadership conversations to have with teenagers. There are some changes in the future (I’ll post more about that in a few weeks), but this student runs the computer on Wednesday nights at church. He …