The Pendulum Swing

I think there are two types of people in the world: those who have a plan before starting something, and those who build the plan as they go along. Maybe it’s more of a pendulum arc, where the you are somewhere on the swing of the pendulum, but it’s possible …

Check It Out: The First Two Steps

There are a few authors on leadership, and especially student leadership, that generally fall into the category of “must read” for me. One of those is Tim Elmore. Imagine my glee this morning when, as I was perusing my emails, I decided to click on a blog post of his …

Getting Corrective Lenses

Hello, my name is Wes, and I wear corrective lenses. One of the most disheartening things when it comes to my vision weakness is watching as people with perfect eyesight (let’s call them “snobs”) try on my glasses and inevitably say “wow, you’re blind!” I was told a while back …

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