Sometimes We’re Wrong

But it’s okay to be wrong. It’s okay to want more and be disappointed. It’s okay to swing big and miss on occasion.

The Calm in the Storm

I went on vacation last week. So, naturally, when I got back in the office yesterday, I was met with a whirlwind. Things I should have finished before leaving were staring me in the face, as well as new “opportunities for leadership growth” (read:issues to be addressed). It was a …

Heart Check

Words reveal intent. Actions reveal heart. I worked up that phrase a few years back, and it’s something I return to regularly to both wrestle with it’s validity and to check my heart in the process. You see, I think we say things we want to do. We want to …

Leaders Set the Pace

I’m a thinker. I think about options constantly. It could be options for an event. Options for guitars. Options for meals, or grilling, or yard work, or house work. I’ve jokingly said in the past that I spend about 90% of the time thinking about things and only 10% doing. …

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