But what you do on the back side is what will set you apart as a leader.
Teach Others the Power of Evaluation
If you are someone who has aspirations to develop other leaders, let me issue this charge to you: learn to evaluate. Don’t settle for mediocre or okay. Feed the drive and desire to make what you’re doing even better.
Find a Delicate Balance
I have a question for you today: how much of what you believe about yourself is because of what you tell yourself, or because of what others tell you? I have a pretty harsh inner critic. I’m constantly battling self-doubt and thoughts of not being able to stand up to …
Is This The Hardest Part of Leadership?
But in the midst of the mundane, there is beauty. In the midst of the repetition, there is opportunity.
How Big is the Obstacle in Front of You?
Speed bumps are not meant to stop us in our tracks. Speed bumps are meant to slow us down. In decision making, speed bumps are those things that give us hesitation, but ultimately cannot stop our momentum unless we choose to let them. Walls, on the other hand, stop us where we are. They prevent forward momentum. We can climb over a wall, or break it down, but it takes considerably more effort to do so.