Lessons from the Bottom Bunk, Pt 2

Well, my intent for the previous 2 weeks didn’t quite work out. Apparently camp keeps me busy. Who knew? Now, a few reflections from 2 weeks of camp, back to back.

“You look like you have a lot on your plate. Why don’t you let me help you with some of it?”

Those were the words spoken to me on day 4 of youth camp. I didn’t feel like I was holding everything close to the vest, but there was a reality taking place that I didn’t acknowledge until we got home: I was trying to do too much.

The abbreviated details are this: we had the largest group of students and adults I had ever taken to camp, and I was trying to address issues as though the group was half the size it really was. Little details I have handled for almost 2 decades of taking groups to camp were falling through the cracks because I picked up more and more, and I didn’t hand enough off.

Thankfully, the adults with me were understanding and gracious. And in letting “something” go, that “something” didn’t happen as quickly or efficiently as I would have done myself, but it still got done. It was accomplished without a hangup, and well enough that I honestly can’t remember what the “something” was.

So, here’s the lesson: learn to let go. Bless someone else by letting them be involved. Your (or my) incessant desire to be the one handling all the details is actually a hindrance to our growth. Do the things only you can do, then find someone to help with the rest. There’s usually someone willing to help, but they don’t always come to you first. Sometimes you have to ask.

If you want to grow as a leader. Learn to let go. Or, put another way, start answering the 3rd question: Who can I get to help?

Take a moment today and ask yourself: what do you need to release, and who can you ask to help with it?

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