Leadership Mistakes: Moving Too Slow

I had a nickname in high school: Slow Motion. Care to guess where it came from? Well, it wasn’t my speed. It was my lack of it. I’m a big guy. Back then, I was just a tall guy, but I’ve never been quick. As a result, my lack of …

Leadership Mistakes: Moving Too Fast

The first football game I ever played was in 7th grade. We were a small school, so our junior high only had one team, and I played the majority of the game. Honestly, I don’t remember much of the game, but there is one thing I think I will likely …

3 Thoughts on See You at the Pole

Yesterday was when schools all around the nation observed See You at the Pole. This event began almost 30 years ago as a group of students planned to gather around their flagpole and pray for their classmates, teachers, administration, and country. Over the years, it has grown, even crossing national …

Quotes on Leadership

I recently finished a short John Maxwell book (Self Improvement 101) with a wealth of worthy quotes. I thought today I would share a few of those with you: “Whenever I mentor people and help them discover their purpose, I always encourage them to start the process by discovering their …

The Practice Field

Football. I grew up in a time before turf fields were readily accessible to small high schools. That meant two things: 1) our main field was grass and had to be watered to be maintained; and 2) we had a practice field. Now, our practice field was slightly more than …

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