Check It Out: Redefining Leadership Potential

Developing student leaders is a tricky subject. Today, I thought I’d re-share a post I published previously on Redefining Leadership Potential. Here’s a snippet of it: I treat teenagers as though they are capable of taking a leadership role, regardless of their age. Why? Because, they are capable of leadership regardless …

The Leadership Mystery

I’ve always been enamored by people who could cook using cast iron pots and pans. For years they seemed to have been a mystery to me. Then, starting in January, I began cooking my breakfast every morning using a cast iron pan. I learned how to prep the pan, how …

The Leadership Conversation

Leadership influence is a tricky concept. The reality about leadership influence is we all have influence, but so many people that I observe fail to realize the impact their influence is making. Influence, unfortunately, does not always mean a positive outcome. Often times I see the result of influence being …

Lessons from the Farm: Boundaries

Stampede! Or, at least in my mind that’s what I thought was happening. Granted, now, I realize there was definitely a flare for the dramatic in my response, but I was still pretty green at the whole thing. We were “driving” cattle, which meant we were trying to move them …

Lessons From the Farm: Traditions

We are continuing our Lessons from the Farm series this week. If you’ve missed any of the posts, or want a refresher from years past, please click around catch up! Growing up I spent countless hours on tractors. When plowing, I would make “rounds” which meant driving down one side …

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