Check It Out: Start Somewhere

I’ve now been blogging for two full years. If you’ve just found me, or found me recently, I’d love for you to click back through the archives at the first 10-15 posts. Today, I’d like to share a post that’s been on my mind because of other situations and scenarios. …

Support Counts

Last week my Father-in-law, Andy, passed away. I plan to reflect a little more on his passing in a future post, but for today I want to take a different approach. Over the course of the past year our family has walked an interesting path. Andy was diagnosed with Stage …

Harvesting In Leadership

Each April I post a series about “Lessons from the Farm” where I reflect on leadership lessons I picked up along the way. Today’s post is a peak into my favorite series. I’ll never forget the strangest harvest we ever had on the farm. In the fall we planted wheat. I saw the bags, saw the seeds, and knew the drill (pun intended). We waited patiently for the first of the crop to break through the ground. I’ve always said there …

The Leadership Secret

Can I confess something? Few things frustrate me more than when someone operates with a belief that I know something I do not.  It happens more often than I care to admit. I get into a conversation and someone has information they think is common knowledge, but they do not …

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