Leadership Takes Intentionality

“I accidentally lost 50 pounds this year!” “I accidentally read 20 books this month!” “I accidentally lead our church to grow by 300%!” There are some things we will never hear. Accidents happen, but rarely do accidents happen for the positive. People unknowingly gain weight, but only occassionally does anyone …

Light Bulb Moments

Have you ever had a light bulb moment? Maybe you were driving in your car and a statement from earlier in the day popped into your head, followed by a moment of clarity. Maybe you’ve been wrestling with an issue for quite some time, then while brushing your teeth, it …

It’s All About Perspective

Do you remember being a child and watching clouds, trying to imagine what shape they’re making? “Ooh, there’s a lion.” “Whoa, look at the mountain!” “Hey, that looks like a centaur attacking a cat.” As a parent, I thoroughly enjoy hearing my girls talk about what a cloud looks like, …

The Horizon of Possibility

Can I confess something? I love the New Year! I don’t love resolutions as much as taking time to reevaluate and set some key goals to guide me through the year. As I have been thinking through what might happen over the next 12 months, I have had an idea …

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