Accomplish a Little Today

Earlier this month I ran across an Evernote file I made in January titled “2018 Goals”. In the note, I set out a few goals I wanted to accomplish this year. For example, I wanted to read 24 books this year. The problem was that I had forgotten about the …

The Refresh of Time Away

Last week, as you likely read, I flew home from vacation. As I have been diving in with both feet this week (short week last week, and starting the new school year this week), I have done a little post-vacation reflection. Here are a few thoughts I have had as …

The Rest of the Story

“Regardless of what you were told at Richmond, your delay was weather related and therefore we will not hand out hotel vouchers, but even if we were going to do so, we have exhausted our vouchers for today.” What a great announcement to hear over the speaker at 2am. After …

Leadership and an Airport Terminal

Currently, I’m sitting in an airport terminal in Richmond, Virginia. A combination of mechanical issues, weather, and vacation chaos has culminated in a delayed flight (sitting at 3+ hour delay so far, and that doesn’t count the fact we were at the airport early!). Some things are out of our …

Check It Out: Tim Hawkins on Knowing Your Wife

One of my first posts on the blog was a link to a video, but I haven’t done one since. So, today, let’s laugh. Click here for a video clip of Comedian Tim Hawkins talking about the benefit of knowing your wife. The clip is 2 minutes long, and the …

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