Would you like to know a secret? The 3 Questions are not a new concept. They were birthed out of observation more than anything else. I simply put the thoughts into a process, which is far from revolutionary. A contemporary example of how we can answer the three questions in …
Check It Out: Hard Conversations
Today’s Check It Out is a lesson, again, I learned years ago: waiting for the “right time” to have a hard conversation is often cut short by the arrival of the “necessary time”. Click over and check it out. Don’t Hide from Hard Conversations
Practicing the 3 Questions
I had a humbling experience last week. One of my peers in youth ministry, who has been a big supporter of my blog to this point, posted a picture of his computer screen. What made it humbling was the side of his monitor where he had written the 3 questions …
Lessons from the Big Chair: Communicate Well
The church where I serve has been without a pastor since January, and I have had the privilege of serving alongside an incredibly wise, discerning, and experienced interim pastor over the past four months. As that time has drawn to an end and we have a new pastor coming in …
Check It Out: Big Change Takes Time to Chew
One thing I’ve learned over the years is just because I’ve spent hours thinking about a change, I cannot expect those I lead to have done the same thing. Click over and give it a read. http://wp.me/p8lYoA-3v