Fresh Eyes Change the Room

This week is going to be spent writing a little more about the “3 Questions”. I’ll take one at a time. Just for a refresher, when you walk into a room, ask yourself: What needs to be done? What can I do? Who can I get to help? (Click here if …

Start Somewhere

I am a thinker. I have a terrible tendency to be able to argue both sides, even when they don’t need to be argued. Because of my propensity to think, I joke that I spend 90% of my time thinking about what I could do, and 10% actually doing it.

Having a Personal Development Plan

Today, let’s take a moment for some evaluation. That’s right: you need to evaluate some things about yourself before moving forward in your leadership journey. First, what is your plan for personal leadership development? What are you doing now that has helped you become a better leader? Look at a …

Check It Out: The Tweet Song

Today’s post is a lot lighter. I found this video earlier this week and thought it was worth sharing. Tim Hawkins and Jonnie W. present the Tweet Song. Click here to watch it, or watch it below.

3 Questions to Help You Become a Better Leader (Part 2)

On Monday, I wrote about the first two questions (click here to read if you missed it). Today, I’ll finish it up with the third question. Just a refresher, when I walk into a room, I want to ask myself three questions. The first two are: 1) What needs to …

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