I tend to work better on a team. One of the reasons why is because I value being able to discuss a situation–it helps me process better. Have you ever been in a planning meeting with a group of people about a project, asked a question, and watched as the …
A Lesson from a Busy Street
Yesterday, after making a hospital visit, I sat in my suburban and watched as a student driver tried to parallel park two spots in front of me. (If it had been the spot directly in front of me, I may not have been as patient.) The car pulled up, waited …
Mistakes Make Us Who We Are
In High School I judged Dairy Products for our FFA chapter. If you’ve seen Napoleon Dynamite, it was not quite that awkward, but it was close. I will never forget the hardest lesson I learned from judging Dairy Products: never second guess my first reaction. This lesson was learned when …
Mid-Summer Check In
Wow. Just wow. January 30 was when I started blogging regularly on this site. I started out because I had a simple idea I felt like I needed to share. (You can read more about that here.) Today, we are nearing the end of June, which means I have been …
A New Adventure
Next week a project on which I have been working and dreaming up for the past two years launches–Horizon Leadership Camp. On Wednesday, I will load vehicles with a group of students going to youth camp with Horizon Camps. While we are there, I have the opportunity to pour into a …