Learning to communicate expectations (and adjust accordingly) can be a life saver in relationships, and in leadership.
Is Boring Growth the Best Growth?
What I’m about to say may be one of the most off the wall things you hear someone say today. I think my favorite color is the color of wheat as it grows. Hear me out. When wheat is planted, the field is freshly tilled, and the brown of a …
3 Shifts to Make to Unlock Your Leadership Growth, Part 1
How have you grown in your leadership capacity over the past month? The past six months? The past year?
Growth isn’t always immediately noticeable. But I really hope you can look back at the past twelve months and point out how you have grown.
Make These Three Decisions Today To Unlock Your Leadership
We all face an abundance of decisions during the day. Some of those are as simple as what to wear, what to eat, when to eat and so on. But some decisions take a little more intentionality and thought.
The 2nd Question You Need to Answer for Leadership Growth
Last October we had some work done on one of our flower beds. The bushes that were in the planter box were too big and breaking the box, so we had them taken out and replaced with some different plants. Now, the fact that I can’t tell you what the …