I’m less than a month away from a milestone in my life: my oldest daughter is getting ready to move into the youth ministry. I don’t know if you’ve thought about the dynamic of being a parent/youth minister, but I have been contemplating it pretty heavily over the past month …
Know Your Fish
This past weekend I got to spend time with a great group of teenage guys. We built a trip for them, and it was a great experience. On Saturday we had the opportunity to fish and shoot skeet (clay pigeons). If I were to be completely honest, we shot skeet …
The Leadership Secret
Can I confess something? Few things frustrate me more than when someone operates with a belief that I know something I do not. It happens more often than I care to admit. I get into a conversation and someone has information they think is common knowledge, but they do not …
4 Tips for a Great Super Bowl Party
Want to host a great Super Bowl party for your Youth Group? Here are some tips.