Back when I was starting to help develop what we now call Horizon Leadership Camp, I set out to ask as many youth minsters as possible one question: What are you doing to develop student leaders? In the process of asking the question, I came to a conclusion: developing student …
Increasing Awareness
I’ve enjoyed getting to work with a new group of student leaders over the past couple of months, and I’ve been sharing my thoughts as I go along. Last week I mentioned missing having a shared language (not in those words, but that’s the idea). So, I’ve slowly been trying …
Baby Steps
I’m a terrible parent. There, I’ve said it. I’ve felt this way for a while, but it feels nice to be able to say it. When our first child was still an infant, I distinctly remember a conversation with my wife. As our daughter was learning to take her first …
Cast the Vision, Not the Path
So much of leadership is about casting vision. Looking at what is and painting a picture of what could be. So much of developing student leaders is helping them catch the vision so they can cast it down the road. Some students will naturally respond to opportunities, almost instinctively seeing …
When to Walk Away
What happens when you misread a situation? I had a situation recently where I made a decision to handle something one way, and it turns out it was completely wrong. Have we talked about how unique people are? There are not just one or two unique people in the world, …