How are you on a scale of 1 to 10 on showing gratitude to others? Go ahead, give yourself a number. 1 would be “why would I be grateful to those losers” and 10 would be “I’m so grateful, I’ve built a Hall of Fame for other people to show …
Check It Out: Having a Personal Development Plan
Today’s “Check It Out” is an early post dealing with your own personal development and how to help make sure you grow as a leader. Click here to read it. Here’s a glimpse: Look at a calendar, and look back over the last six months. What steps have you taken …
Check It Out: Be Careful Who Speaks Into Your Life
Today’s Check It Out post links back to one of my early posts, but one whose content I have been pondering a little extra the past week or so. I hope you enjoy it:
Here We Go Again
I am once again leading a leadership track at camp this week. I love having the opportunity to pour into students and connect with other youth workers. So much of what I’m sharing with the students this week comes from ideas I have written about already, but some are lessons …
Ask Questions No One Else is Asking
I tend to work better on a team. One of the reasons why is because I value being able to discuss a situation–it helps me process better. Have you ever been in a planning meeting with a group of people about a project, asked a question, and watched as the …