Never Lose Sight of the One

Today’s post is going to be ministry specific, but it plays a role in leadership as well. When I think back to the influential ministers in my life, very few of them became influencers because they stood at the front of the room. There was my youth pastor who would …

Check It Out: Overcoming Job Shaming

How old were you when you got your first job? How old were/are/will your children when they got their first job? Is there a difference? I think most people my age grew up watching the Cosby show, so when I saw this article talking about one of the characters and …

The Rest of the Story

“Regardless of what you were told at Richmond, your delay was weather related and therefore we will not hand out hotel vouchers, but even if we were going to do so, we have exhausted our vouchers for today.” What a great announcement to hear over the speaker at 2am. After …

Routines vs Ruts, pt 2

Last week, I blogged about Routines vs Ruts. Today, I have a bit of a confession for you. I feel like I have several ruts in my life right now, one of them being this blog. So, naturally, the best way for me to process this rut is to blog …

Pour Into People

I’m at camp this week working a group of student leaders. We will be teaching leadership principles, giving them opportunities to lead, and teaching them to evaluate as they go. So, today’s thought is a short one: find people to pour into. They are all around you. They vary in …

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