What I’m about to say may be one of the most off the wall things you hear someone say today. I think my favorite color is the color of wheat as it grows. Hear me out. When wheat is planted, the field is freshly tilled, and the brown of a …
3 Shifts to Make to Unlock Your Leadership Growth, Part 2
How have you grown in your leadership capacity over the past month? The past six months? The past year? Growth isn’t always immediately noticeable. But I really hope you can look back at the past twelve months and point out how you have grown. Maybe you added an arrow to …
Some Pain Is Growth
As we grow in our leadership, we are going to face situations that are annoying and painful. What’s the root of the pain? Good leadership is not void of pain. Good leadership understands the difference between beneficial (and necessary) pain and toxic pain.
Lessons from the Farm: Adapt for Progress
But at the end of the day, those transition moments were crucial. We had to pay attention and respond appropriately, knowing the long term goal superseded the immediate situation.
What’s Your Growth Plan?
I’ve been spending some time recently thinking about what it takes to grow. On occasion I will ask someone this question and won’t get much of a response. I think everyone wants to grow, but growth rarely happens without intentionality. Unless it’s weight gain. So let’s take a step toward …