Leaders Set the Pace

I’m a thinker. I think about options constantly. It could be options for an event. Options for guitars. Options for meals, or grilling, or yard work, or house work. I’ve jokingly said in the past that I spend about 90% of the time thinking about things and only 10% doing. …

Multiplication vs Addition

Open your text books chapter 2 section 1. Today we are going to talk about multiplication. Just kidding, kind of. The math concepts that come to mind apply to leadership as well. Would you rather be given $100 plus $100 or be given $100 times 100? As we seek to …

3 Ongoing Conversations for Growth

Have you ever driven somewhere only to think back on the journey and realize you had stopped paying attention? I hate to admit this, but one time on a trip I realized I didn’t remember driving through a town (sleep may have played a part, but it was a small …

Lessons from the Farm: Learn the Hacks

I was very fortunate growing up working on the farm. Our tractors always had air conditioners. The A/C may not have always functioned perfectly, but the tractors were equipped. They also had cabs. They may not sound like an important distinction, but it is. That means our tractors were relatively …

Lessons from the Farm: Overlap

I started driving a tractor at a young age. Most kids of farmers do. I cannot tell you how many hours I’ve spent on a tractor plowing a field. I’ve used chisels, sweeps, duck bills, and discs. I’ve started at sunrise and finished after dark, even spending some time running …

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