Over the Thanksgiving break I was reminded of something: many of the most beautiful sunsets I’ve seen in my life have been in the Texas Panhandle. Growing up just off the Rolling Plains, I spent many evenings on a tractor watching the sunset. To this day, few things speak to …
Waiting is the Worst
Waiting is the worst. Waiting for culture to change. Waiting for seeds to grow. Waiting for change to acclimate. The bottom line is that change rarely happens quickly, until it does. Occasionally, you will see drastic change or dramatic results. It may seem like those things happened in an instant, …
Leadership is Tough
Leadership is tough. The constant battle that wages war between finding a groove and not being satisfied with where things are can take a toll over time. Comfort versus progress provide the background for an ongoing tension. That’s where vision and focus come into play. During seasons where comfort starts …
We All Need to be Reminded
I’ve found myself in new territory the last couple of months with a willing 7th grade daughter in my ministry. Last night, on our way to an event, we had a wonderful conversation, and it got me thinking about a post I wrote earlier this year as I pondered the …
Surround Yourself
I find myself regularly wrestling with how much or how little I am like everyone else. I don’t think I’m special (although my daughters did buy me a best dad ever trophy this year). But, I do think I have a different approach to a lot of things. For instance, …