As I’ve studied leadership more and more, and as I have tried to become a student of leadership, a few things have stuck with me. One of the biggest lessons I’ve learned is the foundational definition of leadership comes from John Maxwell: Leadership is Influence. (here’s a blog post from …
Ask Questions No One Else is Asking
I tend to work better on a team. One of the reasons why is because I value being able to discuss a situation–it helps me process better. Have you ever been in a planning meeting with a group of people about a project, asked a question, and watched as the …
A Lesson from a Busy Street
Yesterday, after making a hospital visit, I sat in my suburban and watched as a student driver tried to parallel park two spots in front of me. (If it had been the spot directly in front of me, I may not have been as patient.) The car pulled up, waited …
Do Not Fear Criticism
Happy Independence Day! Last week I wrote a blog post, scheduled it, and published it, but I had one problem with it: I thought I could have done better. The title, in my opinion, was way better than the content. (You can read it here and judge for yourself) The …
Check It Out: Start Somewhere
As I mentioned on Tuesday, I’m going to start sharing some early blog posts. This one, titled “Start Somewhere”, seems a fitting place to start. Here’s a glimpse, click to read the rest. I am a thinker. I have a terrible tendency to be able to argue both sides, even …