On Tuesday, I introduced a concept I’ve stumbled into the past few years at camp: find the gaps in the schedule. Click here for the full article. Today, I’m going to spend some time explaining how I’ve used our schedule to help grow leaders. As I mentioned in part 1, …
Get More Out of Camp, Pt 1
Today I’m going to let you in on a little secret that I’ve learned about developing student leaders. But first, a little context. As I mentioned last week, this week I am taking a group of teenagers to camp. I love camp. I love the opportunities we have to grow …
A New Adventure
Next week a project on which I have been working and dreaming up for the past two years launches–Horizon Leadership Camp. On Wednesday, I will load vehicles with a group of students going to youth camp with Horizon Camps. While we are there, I have the opportunity to pour into a …
Learning to Communicate Expectations
Along my leadership journey, I have realized I am a thinker. I love pondering. I love dreaming up new ways to do things. I am not, however, able to efficiently communicate all that I dream up. And in that tension, I face a few problems–specifically, the inability of those around …
Redefining Leadership Potential
So much of my experience in developing leaders comes from working with teenagers. Over the past two years, as I have talked with other youth workers, I have started to notice a common thread in a few of our conversations: The necessity for a student to show a readiness to …