Would you like to know a secret? The 3 Questions are not a new concept. They were birthed out of observation more than anything else. I simply put the thoughts into a process, which is far from revolutionary. A contemporary example of how we can answer the three questions in …
Lessons from the Big Chair: Work with People
The church where I serve has been without a pastor since January, and I have had the privilege of serving alongside an incredibly wise, discerning, and experienced interim pastor over the past four months. As that time has drawn to an end and we have a new pastor coming in …
A Lesson from a Busy Street
Yesterday, after making a hospital visit, I sat in my suburban and watched as a student driver tried to parallel park two spots in front of me. (If it had been the spot directly in front of me, I may not have been as patient.) The car pulled up, waited …
Check It Out: Start Somewhere
As I mentioned on Tuesday, I’m going to start sharing some early blog posts. This one, titled “Start Somewhere”, seems a fitting place to start. Here’s a glimpse, click to read the rest. I am a thinker. I have a terrible tendency to be able to argue both sides, even …
Mid-Summer Check In
Wow. Just wow. January 30 was when I started blogging regularly on this site. I started out because I had a simple idea I felt like I needed to share. (You can read more about that here.) Today, we are nearing the end of June, which means I have been …