We’ve all been there–the frustration of leading. You pour hours into a project or event or relationship, only to experience sub-par results. Or you have to make a decision in the moment, only to realize later you made the wrong choice. Anyone who has been in a leadership role can …
When Mistakes Are Not Mistakes, pt 1
We’ve all been there–the frustration of leading. You pour hours into a project or event, only to experience sub-par results. Or you have to make a decision in the moment, only to realize later you made the wrong choice. Anyone who has been in a leadership role can identify. Today, …
The Failure of Leadership
Do you ever feel like a failure? Over the past week I have had a couple people make mention of my leadership skillfulness (my word, not theirs). At the moment, however, I feel like a leadership failure. The ministry here has a hit an interesting spot, and one I am …
3 Ways to Overcome Mistakes
Over the course of the summer I was able to sit down with student leaders from different churches and help them grow in their concept of what leadership looks like. One week, over our time together, we had two people share a similar message: leaders make mistakes. Today, I want …
Routines vs Ruts, pt 3
So far, I have posted twice about Routines vs Ruts. Click here to read part 1 and part 2. Today, let’s get back to basics: expanding your leadership influence. Would you care to hear a secret? The people you lead can probably identify your ruts long before you can. Some …