I still remember where we were as my pastor and I talked about the difference between us as ministers and people in the church. It was not us bashing church members, but wrestling with the reality that we are more committed to the ministry of the church than most people, …
Calling vs Job
A few years ago I took a break from full time ministry. During that time, I worked on my dad’s farm and served part time at a church. This week I have been reflecting on one of the conversations I had with my dad toward the end of my time …
Here’s to New Adventures
Here’s to new adventures. Our summer schedule starts in 10 days. By June 1, I will be halfway finished with our church trips for the summer of 2018. Over the next 2 1/2 months, I will help lead a trip with kids to a place I’ve never been even to …
Learn From Your Mistakes
Learn from your mistakes. Seems like a simple concept, right? But when was the last time you stopped to ask yourself if you’re truly learning from your mistakes? When was the last time you admitted you made a mistake? I think there’s a fine line in here. I never want …
Owners and Hired Hands, pt 2
As a follow up to last week’s post on the difference between owners and hired hands, today’s post is going to shift gears, for a moment. But before reading further, you need to read this post. Jesus was the ultimate example of an owner teaching hired hands to become owners. …