I’m continuing our lessons from the farm series today. You can click here to read the previous post. Today, let’s talk about fences. Every field I talked about Tuesday was surround by a fence. Here’s the thing about fence: A great fence is great because of great labor. Someone who …
Building Trust
One of the joys of leadership is bringing new people alongside and letting them lead. One of the risks in leadership is deciphering how much rope a new person should be given. So, how do we decide how much freedom to give a new person? Easy – relationships. Occasionally, as …
When “No” is the Best Answer
I think I’m a bit of a unicorn. Why? Because my cheesy pickup line effectiveness is 100%. In other words, the woman to whom I’m married, fell in love with my clever charm and wit from the beginning. Okay, maybe not. But it doesn’t change the fact that I’m 1 …
The Repetition Key
Practice makes perfect, or so the saying goes. The past few years I have coached my oldest daughter’s basketball team. Right or wrong, one of the things I made them do was work on shots from the block. I wanted them to be able to make a shot close to …
Mastering the Ask, pt 2
Yesterday I posed a question: Is it better to recruit anyone for a specific position, or a specific person for any position. You can read it here if you missed it. If you didn’t comment, go ahead give me your thoughts. The more I think about this balance, the more …