What are you doing to develop your personal leadership? I ask this question from time to time, and if you’re reading this, then I hope you would include this blog as part of it. But what else are you doing? Do you read books on leadership? TED talks? Audiobooks? Podcasts? …
Leadership Mistakes: Moving Too Slow
I had a nickname in high school: Slow Motion. Care to guess where it came from? Well, it wasn’t my speed. It was my lack of it. I’m a big guy. Back then, I was just a tall guy, but I’ve never been quick. As a result, my lack of …
Act Now or Wait?
I’m a terrible bargain hunter. What I mean is, if I find a bargain, regardless of a need, I try to convince myself (and my finance department) of my need for it. In those moments, I tend to live with an incredible sense of urgency, hoping to never miss the …
Naming Leadership
My oldest daughter turns 12 tomorrow. When she was younger, she had imaginary friends. Each friend had a name, none of which I can remember. But the name made them personal. Hang with me for a minute. If you have children, or have ever been one, then you know the …
The Father-Leader Paradox
I’m less than a month away from a milestone in my life: my oldest daughter is getting ready to move into the youth ministry. I don’t know if you’ve thought about the dynamic of being a parent/youth minister, but I have been contemplating it pretty heavily over the past month …