I think evaluation and forward progress may be my love language. If I can sit down with someone and evaluate something we’ve done together with the intent of making it better, then I’m able to live in my happy place. But, if I’m going to be honest, as much as …
What’s Wrong With a Temporary Fence?
If you’re like me, I struggle to get started because I want permanent from the get-go. But sometimes temporary gets the ball rolling, and we add structure down the road.
Check It Out: Redundancy
There are a few leadership ideas and thoughts that have a way of resurfacing in my life from time to time. I love routine. Once I find a good routine, I have an uncanny ability to stick with it. Last year I wrote a post fleshing out this redundancy idea, …
Current Reads
I read a really good post from Carey Nieuwhof at the end of last week on 12 books every leader must read. Feel free to click over and check it out. I thought today I’d share a few books I’m reading through at the moment. Growing Young – I looked …
Lessons from the Farm: Rites of Passage
We’re continuing the Lessons from the Farm series today. Click here to read some of the previous posts, or click here to subscribe so you don’t miss what’s coming next! My dad grew up 70 miles from where his operation is centered today and still has some land there. When …