3 Reasons to Ask for Help

Okay, so you are a leader. You are probably even good at some (if not most) of the stuff you do. But have you ever considered your ability to do more is actually a hindrance to those around you? Leaders fail when they fail to ask for help. Think about …

Never Lose Sight of the One

Today’s post is going to be ministry specific, but it plays a role in leadership as well. When I think back to the influential ministers in my life, very few of them became influencers because they stood at the front of the room. There was my youth pastor who would …

Leaders Step Up

Leadership in itself can be a stick situation. The temptation is to always think someone else is going to step up, but a strong leader is able to realize when the situation calls for someone to step up who wouldn’t normally be expected to do so. Think of it like …

The Power of the 3 Questions

A couple weeks ago we were on the back end of our youth room remodel, and our deadline (Wednesday night) was approaching fast.  I was spending the majority of my time that week trying to rearrange, clean up, and reassemble the room. I had both of my daughters with me …

Check It Out: Recent Musings

Well, this week is just going to be a little different altogether. On Tuesday, I posted about my oldest daughter turning 11. Today, I would like to share a few posts whose concepts and ideas have crossed my mind this week, so get ready for a few links. But before …

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