Building Trust

One of the joys of leadership is bringing new people alongside and letting them lead. One of the risks in leadership is deciphering how much rope a new person should be given. So, how do we decide how much freedom to give a new person? Easy – relationships. Occasionally, as …

Baby Steps

I’m a terrible parent. There, I’ve said it. I’ve felt this way for a while, but it feels nice to be able to say it. When our first child was still an infant, I distinctly remember a conversation with my wife. As our daughter was learning to take her first …

Think Trails, Not Highways

Sometimes when I write, I formulate ideas as I go. Okay, maybe a lot of the time. That’s why last Thursday’s post (Cast the Vision, Not the Path) has been replaying in my mind. Do I truly think for leadership, it’s beneficial to set the destination and let someone else …

Cast the Vision, Not the Path

So much of leadership is about casting vision. Looking at what is and painting a picture of what could be. So much of developing student leaders is helping them catch the vision so they can cast it down the road. Some students will naturally respond to opportunities, almost instinctively seeing …

What’s Your Plan?

Having a plan of attack always helps me. Sure, I can shoot from the hip as well as most people, but there are some things where having a plan is just better. When I started this blog three years ago, I did not have a solid plan, other than a …

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